Sunday, 27 March 2011


Since the govt has introduced its cuts there has been a lot of uproar about how much bankers are paid, How much pension they recieve, which cuts should happen, people demonstrating and most of all people demonstrating with banners that say "NO CUTS". Now i find this shocking because i struggle to see how some people can be so ignorant. Yes cuts need to happen, its a fact, some people will suffer more than others, thats life. We live in a world where bad things happen everyday. Recently we have just had comic relief, the pictures and videos we saw during comic relief, of people with no food, kids who were looking after kids because their parents have died of a disease, no clean running water. Stuff we take for granted. Earthquakes in Japen, Thousands of people dying. The people of Libya being shot at and killed by their own government. I think the people of this country including myself should take a step back and look at the cuts and what the governement is doing, then decide if they have it bad? My answer is simply NO. I'm a student, and i dont come from money, everything i do i do on my own. Yet i am fully aware that the mess this country is in is going to take some give and take from its citizens. Welfare should not be given out to people that can work and people that dont really need it. Certain things need to be cut. We are entitled to protest, and im all for democracy etc but i just think it is very very selfish given the circumstances that other countries around this world are suffering. Also people who protest and committ crimes, criminal damage, damage to areas of london that now the governement has to pay for. Explain how this is getting your point across? Like i said, step back, take a look at what Japan, Libya, Australia and New Zealand are going through and then tell me if a slight increase in certain things or a slight decrease in other areas is really something we have to worry about on the grand scale of things. My answer is NO. And never will be.


  1. We now live a within a society where most people think its their "right" to have benefits and refer to it as "their money". I work in banking atm before I go and do the bptc... people come into banks demanding that we sort out their benefit payments and that they shouldn't get bank charges. They think everything should be free!

    Its ridiculous. People also are moaning about tuition fees, but at the end of the day its a public and privileged education. Too many people who's parents are on benefits are told to go to university just for the "free" student loan, and subsequently quit a year after. They have no intention of ever earning enough legally to pay it back!

    Please change you font colour...its making me dizzy trying to read it lol.

    Non the less hear hear!
